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The multimedia artist Giacomo Verde left us on 2 May 2020. Pioneer of video art, convinced artivist, Verde was among the recognized protagonists of international theater and technological art. Remote connection is the title of one of his famous telematic works from 2001. Taking up this title for the magazine, we want to be inspired not only by the articulated artistic production of Giacomo Verde but by the political, ethical and aesthetic intention of his works. Remote Connections is a journal of the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the State University of Milan and is directed by Anna Maria Monteverdi; will welcome proposals for essays and articles that deal with the different variations of the relationship between technology, visual art and performance following the line of research traced by Giacomo Verde. Each proposal (in the form of essays, critical interventions, tributes from the artist) will be examined by the editorial board also in consultation with external experts; only essays sent via call will have an anonymous double peer review. The reviewers are asked to evaluate the proposals on the basis of originality, scientific relevance, appropriateness with respect to the areas of interest of the magazine. Following are the keywords around which the magazine will organize the editorial materials: #digitalart #digitalperformance #tecnonarrazione #mediatheatre #remediation #livemedia #netart #artivism #activismartistic #culturedigitali #softwareculture #openaccessculture #archividigitali # intermediality #videomapping #hacktivism #socialnetworking #interactivity