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Thirty Years of Critical Art Ensemble. A lecture by Steve Kurtz



Through the lens of intervention, Steven Kurtz will speak about models and techniques for public actions and soft subversions aimed at undermining authoritarian tendencies in a time of neoliberal domination. Founded in 1987 by Steven Kurtz and Steve Barnes, CAE is an award-winning collective of artists of various specializations dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, political activism, and critical theory. For three decades CAE has produced interventions and provocations that examine questions surrounding information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, and environmental struggle.Steve Kurtz (b. 1958) PhD, Professor Emeritus of Art at the State University of New York, is a founding member of the internationally acclaimed art and theater group Critical Art Ensemble (CAE). The collective has performed and produced a wide variety of projects for an international audience at diverse venues ranging from the street, to the museum, to the internet, and has been invited to produce projects at many of the world’s leading cultural institutions, including the Whitney Museum and the New Museum, NYC; Documenta, Kassel; the Corcoran Museum, Washington DC; the ICA, London; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; and the Natural History Museum, London. In addition, the collective has written eight books on the intersections of art, new media, and political economy, including The Electronic Disturbance (1994); Digital Resistance: Explorations in Tactical Media (2001); Marching Plague: Germ Warfare & Global Public Health (2006); and Aesthetics, Necropolitics, and Environmental Struggle (2018).

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