The Hidden Face of Hollywood: Tim Burton and the Sublime


  • Lorenzo Bianchi Università degli Studi di Milano



If you analyze Tim Burton’s filmography, the relationship between his entire work and the philosophical sublime could appear clear. First of all the use of darkness as the symbol of your inner being and also the concept of expressionism seen as the union between dark and light, shadows and brightness, the double nature of the sublime. Moreover, women in Tim Burton’s movies are savior angels, and the sublime is seen as the elevation of the soul, which is the thought we can find in Immanuel Kant, Baldine Saint Girons or Edmund Burke’s works. Another important element is Danny Elfamn´s music, which is played in all Tim Burton´s movies, which is able to magnify the idea of the sublime in all his works. 


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BURTON, Tim, 1998 Morte malinconica del bambino ostrica, tr. it. di N. Orengo, Einaudi, Torino 1997.

DE BAECQUE, Antoine, Tim Burton, tr. it. di S. Mondino, Lindau, Torino 2007.

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GIORDANETTI, Piero -MAZZOCUT – MIS, Maddalena, I luoghi del sublime moderno, LED, Milano 2005.

KANT, Immanuel, Critica del giudizio, tr. it. di A. Gargiulo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002.

LOCKE, John, Saggio sull’intelletto umano, tr. it. di C. Pellizzi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1988.

MAZZOCUT – MIS Maddalena, Mostro. L'anomalia e il deforme nella natura e nell'arte, Guerini, Milano 1992.

PSEUDO LONGINO, Il sublime, a cura di G. Lombardo, Aesthetica, Palermo 1992.

SAINT GIRONS, Baldine, Il sublime, tr. it. di G. Colosi Russotti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2006.

- Fiat lux. Una filosofia del sublime, tr. it. di C. Calì e R. Messori, Aesteticha, Palermo 2003.

SALISBURY, Mark, Burton racconta Burton, tr. it. di G. De Marinis, Feltrinelli, Milano 2011.

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