The abuse of right in the intersemiotic digital contractual drafting




Legal design, contract drafting, intersemiotic legal translation, abuse of right


This article is a reflection on some forms of abuse of contractual freedom in the digital realm and their legal aspects, with a brief focus on contracts entered into with access to the proposer’s website and web design. Based on the principle of freedom of form, generally, the contractors can draft their contractual documents and carry out their negotiations using different semiotic tools, which are particularly diverse in the digital domain. The careful use of these semiotic tools (images, graphics, animations) that translate fragments of the contractual text can enhance clarity. This is a practice advocated by the legal design movement. However, we must also consider the dark side of legal design. Digital interfaces can employ diverse semiotic tools to exploit the neurocognitive peculiarities of users, manipulating their contractual intent. These practices have piqued the interest of information design experts and jurists, leading to legislative innovations. Firstly, I will introduce the topic of choosing the form of contract manifestation as an exercise of contractual freedom. Subsequently, I will briefly address the issue of readability and comprehensibility of contractual text. Finally, I will focus on some practices related to intersemiotic legal translation in the digital realm.


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