The «Regime» Intellectual between Plato and the Old Academy


  • Federico Casella Università degli Studi di Pavia



Plato, Aristotle, Speusippus, Old Academy, Ancient Political Thought


Abstract. The aim of this work is to investigate the philosopher’s political commitment as theorized by Plato and accepted by his immediate disciples in the Old Academy: the importance of the so-called «third wave» of the Republic will be the main focus of this paper. Indeed, through proper references to Letter VII, it is possible to highlight how the third wave constituted the heart of Plato’s political and social reform, which prompts intellectuals either to found a philosophical kingdom or become advisers and counsellors for kings and lords, who in turn should be converted to philosophy: in both cases, the semantic area of one-man rule connotes the preferable scenario to ensure the political institutionalization of philosophy. Consequently, Plato’s disciples tried to establish links with monarchies or tyrannies and accepted their role as legislators or advisers of a single person in command, who was conceived of as the perfect sum of knowledge and power in the wake of their master’s theories.


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