Pour une archéologie cinématographique de la condition immersive: La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)


  • Barbara Le Maître University of Paris Nanterre
  • Natacha Pernac University of Paris Nanterre
  • Jennifer Verraes University of Paris 8




Immersive Condition, Museum, Chris Marker, La Jetée


Today we tend to emphasise the technological dimension of immersive devices, insisting on the notions of interactivity, virtual reality or augmented perception— all of which promise to intensify museum experience or the film experience. But it must be recognised that the principle of immersion is older than the more or less recent definitions of immersive devices or museography. Certain primordial forms of scenarisation, of staging and of dramatisation were able to play an immersive role very early on, foreshadowing the installation of the subject of perception in an attitude of adhesion, which can go as far as subjugation. Scripting, staging, psychic projection: if an archaeology of immersion is required, it must include an account of the role of cinema in the formation of the immersive condition. Our hypothesis is that an archaeology of immersion must pass through cinema: not only through its device, but primarily through its fictions, narratives, and figurations. In this perspective, we propose to examine the historical contribution of cinema to the formation of the immersive condition, through an analysis of Chris Marker’s La Jetée (1962). If this unique film has often been studied, its capacity to stage different fundamental aspects of an immersive experience, involving at the same time the interplay of memory, aesthetic relation, and the psyche, has not been considered yet.

Author Biographies

Barbara Le Maître, University of Paris Nanterre

Barbara Le Maître is Professor of Film Studies at the Université Paris Nanterre. She has published Entre film et photographie. Essai sur l'empreinte (PUV, 2004), Zombie, une fable anthropologique (PUPO, 2015), Image versus médium featuring Mark Lewis (PUN, 2022); and has co-edited several collective works including : Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art (with J. Noordegraaf, C. Saba, V. Hediger, AUP, 2013, Tout ce que le ciel permet en cinéma, photographie, peinture et vidéo (with B. N Aboudrar, PSN, 2015), Cinema & Cie. International Film Studies Journal, Vol. XV, No. 25: 'Overlapping Images' (with Luisella Farinotti and Barbara Grespi, 2016), Art-historical Moments in Cinema (with B.N. Aboudrar, J. Jibokji and J. Martin, Aracne, 2020), and Damiers, grilles, cubes. De la théorie de l’art aux fictions du cinéma (forthcoming, PUR, 2023). She is interested in the relationships between Cinema and the Museum; in the figure of the Zombie; in imprints and fossil forms in Cinema; in Mark Lewis's "delocalised" films; and, more broadly, in the History of forms through Interposed Fictions.

Natacha Pernac, University of Paris Nanterre

Natacha Pernac is Lecturer in Renaissance Art History at the Université Paris Nanterre. She devotes her research to Italian Renaissance painting, more particularly to the following themes : the History of the representations of the Body, the Narration in Domestic decorations, and the analysis of Artistic interactions. Her publications include the Bescherelle de l'Histoire de l'Art, Paris, Hachette, 2015 (with Guitemie Maldonado and Marie-Pauline Martin), and La peinture représentée, Paris, Hazan, 2013 (with Robert Bared). She also co-edited Museoscopies. Fictions du musée au cinéma (with Barbara Le Maître, Joséphine Jibokji and Jennifer Verraes, Presses Universitaires de Nanterre, 2018). Academic Director at the Ecole du Louvre between 2016 and 2020, she is also interested in Museology and its history.

Jennifer Verraes, University of Paris 8

Jennifer Verraes is Lecturer in Film studies at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis. Her work aims to bring to light the links between the History of Cinema, Technology and the humanities in the XXth and XXIst centuries, in particular through the History of Listening, Speech and its recording in Cinema. She has co-edited two books on Cinema and the Museographic imagination, on our view of Heritage and our (collective, fetishistic) relationship to the work of art : Museoscopies. Fictions du musée au cinéma (with Barbara Le Maître, Natacha Pernac and Joséphine Jibokji, Presses Universitaires de Nanterre, 2018) and Cinéma muséum. Le musée d'après le cinéma (with Barbara Le Maître, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2013).


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How to Cite

Le Maître, B., Pernac, N., & Verraes, J. (2023). Pour une archéologie cinématographique de la condition immersive: La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962). Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, 23(40), 119–138. https://doi.org/10.54103/2036-461X/19396