Guerrilla Images: Archaeologies, Geographies, Aesthetics of Political Filmmaking and Videoactivism


  • Kathrin Fahlenbrach University of Hamburg
  • Giuseppe Previtali University of Bergamo
  • Giacomo Tagliani University of Modena and Reggio Emilia



Uprising, Visual Culture, Anachronism, Digital Media, Videoactivism

Author Biographies

Kathrin Fahlenbrach, University of Hamburg

Kathrin Fahlenbrach is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Hamburg. Her research areas include aesthetics and perception of audiovisual media, metaphors and icons in media culture, and visual media in protest communication. Her publications include: Protest Cultures. A Companion (New York/Oxford), ed. with Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth and Embodied Metaphors in Film, Television, and Video Games: Cognitive Approaches (London/New York) (ed.).

Giuseppe Previtali, University of Bergamo

Giuseppe Previtali is Assistant Professor at the University of Bergamo, where he teaches Film and Visual Studies. His main research interests are connected with the extreme forms of contemporary visuality, visual and digital literacies, and the critical epistemology of digital humanities. He is author of the books L’ultimo tabù. Filmare la morte fra spettacolarizzazione e politica dello sguardo, Educazione visuale, and Che cosa sono le digital humanities.

Giacomo Tagliani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Giacomo Tagliani is Associate Professor of Film and Media at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. He has taught and conducted research at the University of Palermo, the Filmuniversität “Konrad Wolf” Babelsberg, Dickinson College (PA), and the California Institute of the Arts (CA), among others. His research is mainly focused on media sustainability, critical media theory, and biographical cinema. His most recent publications include monographs about the Italian biopic (Biografie della nazione. Vita, storia, politica nel biopic italiano) and political cinema (Estetiche della verità. Pasolini, Foucault, Petri) as well as essays on hydrocarbon imagination and techno-landscape in Italian visual culture.


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How to Cite

Fahlenbrach, K., Previtali, G., & Tagliani, G. (2024). Guerrilla Images: Archaeologies, Geographies, Aesthetics of Political Filmmaking and Videoactivism. Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, 24(42), 9–20.