Information For Authors


Please RIGOROUSLY follow the following editorial criteria when writing the text:

File format: word


- Font: garamond

- Body: 12

- Alignment: justified

- Notes: garamond font, body 10, justified alignment

- Hyphenation: automatic

- Margins: top 2.5; bottom 3; left 2; right 6

- Paragraph indents: left 0; right 0; special first line 1.25 (from second paragraph only)

- Spacing: single line spacing, before and after 0 pt

- DO NOT insert page numbers

- Title: ARTICLE TITLE (capital round, bold, left alignment)

- Subtitle, if any: Article subtitle (carriage return, lowercase round, bold, left alignment)

- Author: First Name Last Name (carriage return, lowercase round, left alignment), academic affiliation, ORCID

- Exergue citation (if any): triple carriage return after Author's name, justified alignment, left paragraph indent 7 cm, italics, Garamond font, body 11. Author of citation: carriage return, in parentheses, round, right alignment 

- Possible numbering and/or titling of paragraphs: 1. Paragraph title (lowercase round, bold, left alignment)

- The first paragraph is spaced from the Author's name (or exergue, if any) with a triple paragraph heading; all subsequent paragraphs are spaced with a double paragraph heading

- Entries in any bulleted lists should be spaced with a short hyphen and inserted with a left indent of 1.25 (a function usually enabled automatically by writing programs).




Quotation marks and reported passages:

- Words used in the broad sense and those used in the translated sense go in quotation marks («...»).



«Justice» in speech is not to be understood in the legal sense.

As someone said, «virtue» is not always said in a moral sense.

- Words mentioned as such go between single superscripts ('...').


The word 'dog' has four letters; the word 'truth' has many senses.

- Double quotes (“...”) are used ONLY for quotes within other quotes.



The relationship that exists between the totality of lived experience and the multiple images of it provided «is certainly not that of a complete description, in which the objects of those stories could be known as well “as they really were”».

- Quotations and direct speech, if they do not exceed two hundred characters including spaces (roughly two lines of text), go in the round in quotation marks in the following pattern: text «quote quote quote» text.



«Know thyself» is an intellectual and moral imperative at the same time. Someone might say, «But the two do not coincide». Well, he would confuse Socratic ethics with Christian ethics.

- Quotations longer than two hundred characters including spaces are to be indented with paragraph indentation to the left of 1.25 (but WITHOUT "special first line"), in the round and without quotation marks, with a double line before and after.


Numbering of notes

- Note numbers given in the body of the text should be written BEFORE punctuation marks (period, comma, semicolon, colon, etc.).


Giordano Bruno's philosophical conception can be called philosophy of nature1. For this reason....

- If a quotation is indicated in the body of the text with quotation marks, the number of the footnote following the quotation should be indicated AFTER the quotation marks and BEFORE the punctuation mark (period, comma or semicolon).


"There is no absolute truth "1: with this sentence the author....

- Note numbers given at the end of quotations longer than two hundred characters including spaces (separated from the body of the text as indicated above) should be BEFORE the last punctuation mark, as in other cases.


Footnote references

For footnote references of cited texts, follow the indications below:

- References to a BOOK:

  1. Last name, title in italics, publisher, place of edition, year of edition any edition number in exponent (any indication of date of original editions in round brackets), page numbers (with p. or pp.).


Example 1:

P.J. Russel, Genetics, Edises, Naples 1998 (1st ed. 1992, 19932), p. 43.

Example 2:

  1. Dausset, J. Colombani (eds.), Histocompatibility testing, Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1973, pp. 58-63.

- References to an ARTICLE:

  1. Last name, title in italics, «title of the periodical», number of the year of the periodical, issue number if any, year of issue, page numbers with p. or pp.

Example 1:

G.J. Annas, Reefer madness-the federal response to California's medical-marijuana law, «New England Journal of Medicine», 337, 1997, pp. 435-439.

Example 2:

  1. Nisbett and S. Stich, Justification and the psychology of human reasoning, «Philosophy of Science», 47, 1980, pp. 188-202.


Recurring citations

- If a text already cited extensively in a previous note appears in the note, only the author and title are given, followed by: comma, cit., p. ...



  1. Stringa, Domenico Bresolin, cit., p. 661.

- If only one work is cited several times by the author in question, indicate only the author's name followed by comma, op.cit. (in italics).



  1. Stringa, op.cit., p. 108.


- If a text cited in the immediately preceding note appears in the footnote and the same page is cited, indicate only Ibid. (italicized).



1 N. Stringa, Domenico Bresolin, in Painting in the Veneto. L'Ottocento, edited by G. Pavanello, Electa, Venice 2003, t. II, pp. 661-662.

2 Ibid.

- If a text cited in the immediately preceding note appears in the footnote and a different page is cited, indicate Ivi, specifying the page number.


1 N. Stringa, Domenico Bresolin (ad vocem), in La pittura nel Veneto. L'Ottocento, edited by G. Pavanello, Electa, Venice 2003, t. II, p. 661.

2 Ibid., p. 662.

- If a text produced by the same author mentioned in the immediately preceding note appears in the note, the author's name is replaced with Id.



1 N. Stringa, Domenico Bresolin, cit.

2 Id., Reality and painting: itineraries of color, in Ottocento veneto, cit., pp. 43-66.

Fac simile:



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