Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale del libro?
Today, the e-book imitate the printed book exactly as the first incunabula once imitated the manuscripts; the explosion of the electronic communication is just as revolutionary as it was the invention of the movable type printing hundreds of years ago; and the contemporary reader is facing, with the e-book, the same difficulty than the readers of the fifteenth century have had with the incunabula. We are in a period in which paper and digital definitely coexist and they surely will continue to do it for a few more years to come. So, rather than insisting on analyze in dualistic terms (or paper or digital) a phenomenon that is still in progress, and relying instead on what we learn from the history of the book, we should try to recognize that today we are witnessing a change that at least in one way is actually different because, for the first time in history, it takes place at the same time on several levels, with the simultaneously transformation of the writing's media, the technique of its reproduction, the way of its spread, and finally the practice of reading. The classic communication circuit is being revisited, and the editorial market is meant to grow in the digital era, but throughout a big change in its behavior.
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