
Art. 1 - Journal Establishment

The journal ‘Studi di Storia Medioevale e di Diplomatica’, belonging to the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan, is established. It is published online on the university platform ‘Riviste UNIMI’, in collaboration with Pearson, which provides the online publication on its own platform (website dedicated to the Department).

Art. 2 - Editor in Chief

The journal is directed by a professor (full or associate) of Medieval History or Diplomatics from the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan.

Art. 3 - Scientific Board

The journal's Scientific Board is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, at least 2 professors belonging to the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan from the fields of Medieval History or Diplomatics, and at least 4 internationally renowned scholars, Italian or foreign.

Art. 4 - Scientific Board Tasks

The Editor-in-Chief summons the Scientific Committee, also electronically, at least once a year, to outline the editorial plan and schedule its implementation.

Art. 5 - Editorial Team

The Editorial Board, chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, consists of an Editorial Secretary (indicated by the Editor-in-Chief) and at least two experts in the aforementioned subjects.

Art. 6 - Editorial Team Tasks

The Editorial Board, which meets at least twice a year, ensures the implementation of the editorial plan drawn up by the Scientific Board.

Art. 7 - Journal Features

The journal covers essays on Medieval History, Palaeography and Diplomatics, with a preference for original research using unpublished sources. The journal intends to encourage the publication of works by young scholars, in particular PhD students and research fellows from the Department of Historical Studies.

Art. 8 - Access

The Editorial Team, after assessing the congruence of the contribution with the aims of the journal, submits it to the Scientific Board for an evaluation. At least two members of the Scientific Committee must approve the publication.

Art. 9 - Publications Evaluation

Once accepted for publication, essays will be forwarded to two referees, who receive copies of the essays anonymously and a sample form on which the details of the evaluation are recorded.

Art. 10 - Peer-review Procedure Openness

The journal’s colophon should state, both in Italian and English: "All Essays and First Researches have been subjected to double-blind peer review. After the Scientific Board’s preliminary assessment of conformity and pertinence with the journal's editorial line, the texts were read anonymously by at least two Italian or international reviewers. The reviewers formulated a judgement, according to a form presented to them, with the commitment of discretion towards the author".

Art. 11 - Relationships with Authors

Relationships with authors concerning the delivery of essays, proofreading and publication are ruled by the Code of Ethics.

Art. 12 - Journal Funding

The Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan undertakes to fund the publication annually. The amount of funding is defined every three years.