The Google reader




google, readers, WIKI-source, digital editions, web texts, Manzoni


Publishers of 21st Century have to face a new problem: the digital revolution. They have to deal with new reading habits and with new publishing habits. The so-called “Google-readers” often search for books on the web, but those texts sometimes are not “certified” by a publisher. There are some standards that on-line books should observe: declaring who is the editor of that edition, declaring which text is published (and which paper edition the editor has used), declaring which are the metadata connected with that edition, making that edition user friendly. None of the Italian websites fully satisfies those standards and is well indexed by browsers. WIKI-source is one of the best websites, but it does not make use of scholarly editions and it does not spread the most authoritative edition, but the one available to the web editor. The edition of I Promessi Sposi, for example, is not based on a scholarly edition, but on the most recent paper editions, and readers still have to consult them if they want to get further informations.


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Author Biography

Paola Italia, Università degli Studi di Bologna


"Editori e Filologi. Per una filologia editoriale", a cura di Paola Italia e Giorgio Pinotti, numero monografico di «Studi (e testi) italiani», n. 33, 2014, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2014.

Michele Barbi, "Piano per un'edizione delle Opere di Alessandro Manzoni", «Annali Manzoniani», I (1939), pp. 23-153.

Alberto Cadioli, "Le diverse pagine", Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2012.

Michael Hancher, "Littera scripta manet: Blackstone and Electronic Text", in «Studies in Bibliography», 54, 2001, pp. 115-32.

Neil Harris e Emanuela Sartorelli, "La ventisettana dei “Promessi Sposi”. La collazione e i “cancellantia”", in «Annali Manzoniani», in c.d.s.

Paola Italia, "Editing Novecento", Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2013

Paola Italia, "Editing 2.0", in «Nuovi Argomenti», gennaio-marzo 2016, n. 73, pp. 80-86.

Alessandro Manzoni, "Tutte le opere: I promessi sposi. Testo critico della edizione definitiva del 1840. Storia della colonna infame. Testo del 1840 con suo apparato critico", Milano, 1954.

Alessandro Manzoni, "Gli Sposi promessi", a cura di Barbara Colli e Giulia Raboni, Milano, Casa del Manzoni, 2012.

Elena Pierazzo, "Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories, Models and Methods", Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2015.

Peter L. Shillingsburg, From Gutenberg to Google, London, CUP, 2007.

G. Thomas Tanselle, "Thoughts on the Authenticity of Electronic Texts", in «Studies in Bibliography», 54, 2001, pp. 133-136 (ora in "The Authenticity of Electronic Texts (2001)", in "Portraits & Reviews, Charlottesville", The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 2015, pp. 380-84).





Seminary "Editorial Practices" 2015