
  • No. 7 (2022)

    What particularly characterises this seventh issue of Prassi ecdotiche della modernità letteraria (actually the ninth issue, issues 4/1 and 4/2 and 5/1 and 5/2 having come out in 2019 and 2020) is the presence - in the "Convegni e incontri aperti" section - of a short but particular paper by Pasquale Stoppelli, presented in both Italian and English, in order to allow it to be read by a large number of young scholars (and students) not only from Italy: 'The Art of the Philologist in 15 Points' (for the use of young followers). In the fifteen points recalled by the title, in fact, Stoppelli outlines the habitus of those who work in close contact with the text: the philologist, therefore, who must be well aware of certain 'rules' - not codified but fundamental - in order to best perform the function of 'mediation between author and reader' that is incumbent upon him. In the same direction of a methodological suggestion for 'young adepts' are also the observations on Christian Genetelli's short book 'Un'inedita e ignota recensione di Giacomo Leopardi ('L'ombra di Dante')', a significant example of how a historical-philological study must keep in mind the three stages of seeking and finding, investigating and contextualising, reading and interpreting.


  • Anniversaries
    No. 6 (2021)

    Every year is full of anniversaries, whether commemorating the birth or death of a writer, or the first printing of works that have gone down in history. However, 2021 seems to be a special year, and - like 1865 and 1921 - it will be remembered for the many and varied celebrations (plus the release of many publications) commemorating a Dantean anniversary: this time the 700th anniversary of the writer's death. In 2021, however, there will also be the 100th anniversary of Carlo Porta's death, and, coming closer in time, the 10th anniversary of Giovanni Giudici's death.

    The editorial staff of Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria wanted to recall this important series of anniversaries, asking a number of scholars to intervene, with reference to them, with an essay, an edition, or an in-depth textual or ecdotical study.

    The result is the issue of PEML presented here: these first contributions will be joined by others already in the pipeline that will complete, in the coming weeks and months, the complete index, divided, in its part, into three sections: "Dantesca", "Portiana", "Contemporanea".


  • No. 5/II (2020)

    Un volume cartaceo, intitolato "I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 5/I(2020)", VERRÀ PREPARATO PER LA STAMPA presso l'editore Ledizioni.

    Fino alla chiusura del numero, con l'allestimento dell'indice definitivo, i contributi sono pubblicati senza numero di pagina e sono citabili, oltre che tramite la stringa della pagina web (URL), attraverso il DOI che li identifica univocamente. Quando il numero sarà chiuso saranno sostituiti i file, inserendo quelli  mandati in stampa con i numeri di pagina (nello storico informatico delle versioni, se ne troverà traccia con tanto di data di prima pubblicazione e di successivo aggiornamento). L'ultima versione aggiornata sarà, dunque, identica alla stampa.

  • Editions' Stories
    No. 5/I (2020)

    PEML 5/I (2020), a number dedicated to Editions' stories, is the result of a call for papers promoted in January 2019 by this magazine.

    The text that we propose below offers a theoretical and methodological premise to the volume and defines the idea which led to the contributions we are now publishing.

    Each ecdotic practice aim at the construction of an edition, which above all reflects the choices of the editor (whether he is a scholar, a professional editor, a collaborator of a typographer or of a publishing house, depending on the era that we consider). Moreover, the fact that the published text comes from an author still alive or from the past is a very relevant aspect. For these reasons, each edition has its own specific characteristics, with a history of choices, critical hypotheses, comparisons with other prints and, sometimes, errors. It is also important to identify the cultural and literary context of the text and its readers.

    In order to highlight these aspects, which are essential to reconstruct the story of texts and books and to the philological or editorial paths that lead to a publication, the present number of our review hosts contributions which concern "Editions' stories". The different scholars here involved paid particular attention to the condition of the author, the literary tradition, the reception of books (on a scientific or a reading level), the relationships with other editions of the same work and, finally, the role of the editions in the transmission of a text.

  • No. 4/II (2019)



    A paper volume - entitled I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 1(2016) - containing the main contents of this number of the review (excluded therefore the sections "Reviews and reports" and "Dissertations' archive"), is BEING PRINTED by Ledizioni:

    The page numbers of the Open Access files correspond to the pagination of the printed publication. The articles without page number, instead, are published only online and can be cited, or via the web page address (URL) or via the DOI code, which uniquely identifies them.

  • No. 4/I (2019)


    A paper volume - entitled I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 1(2016) - containing the main contents of this number of the review (excluded therefore the sections "Reviews and reports" and "Dissertations' archive"), is published by Ledizioni:

    The page numbers of the Open Access files correspond to the pagination of the printed publication. The articles without page number, instead, are published only online and can be cited, or via the web page address (URL) or via the DOI code, which uniquely identifies them.

  • No. 3 (2018)

    A paper volume - entitled I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 3(2018) - containing the main contents of this number of the review (excluded therefore the sections "Reviews and reports" and "Dissertations' archive"), is published by Ledizioni

    The page numbers of the Open Access files correspond to the pagination of the printed publication. The articles without page number, instead, are published only online and can be cited, or via the web page address (URL) or via the DOI code, which uniquely identifies them.

  • No. 2 (2017)

    A paper volume - entitled I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 2(2017) - containing the main contents of this number of the review (excluded therefore the sections "Reviews and reports" and "Dissertations' archive"), is published by Ledizioni: here:

    The page numbers of the Open Access files correspond to the pagination of the printed publication. The articles without page number, instead, are published only online and can be cited, or via the web page address (URL) or via the DOI code, which uniquely identifies them.

  • No. 1 (2016)

    A paper volume - entitled I Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria 1(2016) - containing the main contents of this number of the review (excluded therefore the sections "Reviews and reports" and "Dissertations' archive"), is published by Ledizioni:

    The page numbers of the Open Access files correspond to the pagination of the printed publication. The articles without page number, instead, are published only online and can be cited, or via the web page address (URL) or via the DOI code, which uniquely identifies them.