
  • Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna (Quaderni di SSMD, 7)

    This volume is dedicated to natural disasters in central and northern Italy during the Middle Ages and the early Modern Age. The proceedings of two meetings held at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan, are gathered here, as part of the inter-institutional seminar "History and Disasters". The two parts propose diverse but integrated approaches to the study of such events.

  • Mediazione notarile. Forme e linguaggi tra Medioevo ed Età moderna (Quaderni di SSMD, 6)

    The book is the first scientific outcome of the LIMEN (Linguaggi della Mediazione Notarile tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna) research group: a project submitted in 2019 to the Extraordinary Call for Interdepartmental Projects of the University of Milan and funded with the seal of excellence 2020 award. The aim of the project is to study the notary in Italy and Europe, with particular reference to the mediation role played by notaries; to the methods, times and spaces in which this role was affirmed; to the forms, languages and techniques that conveyed this particular function.

  • Hospitals and mountains. Landscapes, functions, powers in the Middle Ages (Italy, France, Spain) (Quaderni di SSMD, 5)

    The volume is one of the results of the PRIN 2015, Alle origini del welfare (XIII- XVI secolo). Radici medievali e moderne della cultura europea dell’assistenza e delle forme di protezione sociale e credito solidale, principal investigator Gabriella Piccinni. The authors approach the history of mountain hospitals in a comparative perspective, focusing on case studies from Northern and Central Italy, Southern France, and Northern Spain. The book is therefore an original and significant contribution to the reconstruction of the historical landscapes and of the economic, political and social structures, as well as the cultural and religious frameworks, of the medieval territories.

  • Un ponte tra il Mediterraneo e il Nord Europa: la Lombardia nel primo millennio (Quaderni di SSMD, 4)

    This volume gathers the Proceedings of an International Conference held at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan on 28-29 November 2019. The aim of the meeting was to solicit new research perspectives through the exchange and confrontation between specialists from different backgrounds, overcoming periodizing rigidities and disciplinary boundaries. The contributions focus on the area that today can be defined as Lombardy, seen in its relations with other geographical entities in a long-term perspective (from the Roman imperial age up to the early Middle Ages), and deal with the following themes of political, military, economic, religious and cultural history.

  • Flos studiorum. Saggi di storia e di diplomatica per Giuliana Albini (Quaderni di SSMD, 3)

    With a sense of gratitude and friendship, but also with a feeling of deep esteem, the members of the scientific and editorial boards of Studi di Storia Medioevale e di Diplomatica and the related Quaderni offer a flos studiorum to their director Giuliana Albini. A way to pay tribute to the initiator of an extraordinary publishing renaissance, but also to recognise the value of Giuliana Albini who, through her research, helped to bring into focus important aspects of medieval society.

  • La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo 1. Gli spazi economici (Quaderni di SSMD, 2)

    Here are published the proceedings of the conference Gli spazi economici della signoria rurale nel basso medioevo. Casi lombardi e confronti (Milan, oct. 29-30, 2018), part of the 2015 PRIN La signoria rurale nel XIV-XV secolo: per ripensare l’Italia tardomedievale (national coordinator prof. Sandro Carocci). As part of this project, the Milanese research unit investigated the economic dimension of the rural lordship. The essays collected here focus mainly on Lombardy at the time of the Visconti and Sforza dominion, but also include important research on the surroundings region.

  • Milano medioevale. Studi per Elisa Occhipinti (Quaderni di SSMD, 1)

    This publication marks the start of the Quaderni degli Studi di Storia Medioevale e di Diplomatica series. Our intent is to create a series that, like the journal, will be available on a completely open access platform, but unlike the periodical will also include the possibility of print-on-demand. This is intended to foster the wide dissemination and circulation of knowledge, a need that is perceived as increasingly urgent in the world of universities and research. The Quaderni will host, from time to time, monographs, editions of sources, collective volumes and new research proposals.

  • Nuova Serie I (2017)

    Fifteen years after the publication of volume 19 (2001) of the first series, the annual publication of Studies in Medieval History and Diplomatics restarts. This New Series benefits from a renewed editorial layout and the decision to make it an online journal, with the support of the Department of Historical Studies and Pearson-Mondadori. In continuity with tradition, the journal is characterised by the close interaction between two distinct but contiguous disciplinary areas: that of medieval historians and that of palaeographers, diplomatists and codicologists.

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