Having a tea with Florence


  • Giancarlo Celeri Bellotti RN, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo




Thoughts, Retirement, Florence, Nightingale, Nursing, Nurses


Giancarlo Celeri Bellotti has been a nurse since 1982. In his early career years, he has served in the operating units of Cardiology, NICU, and Internal Medicine. Later, he specialized in nursing in the operating theatre, where he gained about 13 years of experience. Since 1999, he has been working in nursing education at the San Paolo Bachelor School of Nursing. Passionate about the history of nursing, he has held and organized numerous activities on the subject, including numerous courses, posters, conferences, and publications in national and international journals. He was the founder and chair of the Italian Society for the History of Nursing (So.ISAI), which he has chaired from 2003 to 2016. He is the supervisor of the exhibition-workshop on the history of nursing, "L'Officina di Clio" at the educational hub of Via Ovada 26 in Milan. At the end of his career, he entrusts his personal reflections on the nursing profession to a dialogue with Florence Nightingale, which brings to mind an ancient aphorism of Leonardo da Vinci memory: "Sad is the disciple who does not advance above his master."


2023-07-31 — Updated on 2023-08-01

How to Cite

Celeri Bellotti, G. (2023). Having a tea with Florence. Dissertation Nursing, 2(2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.54103/dn/20751