Efficacy of non-pharmacological antishivering Interventions in patients undergoing targeted temperature management: findings from a Scoping Review.





ICU, targeted temperature management, hypothermia shivering critical care, nurses, nursing


Targeted temperature management (TTM) is a crucial neuroprotective intervention employed in the Intensive Care Unit to enhance the prognosis of patients following cardiac arrest. Shivering, a common side effect of TTM, poses challenges to its neuroprotective benefits. This scoping review aimed to assess available literature on non-pharmacological therapies for shivering in TTM patients, identifying gaps and potential areas for future research. Thirteen relevant studies were analyzed, involving 743 subjects, with a focus on neuroprotective TTM. The review highlighted the inconsistent nature of existing literature on non-pharmacological shivering treatments, emphasizing the need for effective interventions supported by clinical trials. Forced-air blankets emerged as a frequently explored and effective approach. The study provides a foundation for future research on non-pharmacologic therapies, emphasizing the importance of objective shivering assessment and validated measurement tools.


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How to Cite

El Lahlah, D. M. M., Maestrini, C., & Bozzetti, M. (2024). Efficacy of non-pharmacological antishivering Interventions in patients undergoing targeted temperature management: findings from a Scoping Review. Dissertation Nursing, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.54103/dn/22224



Dissertation Nursing EDUCATIONAL


Received 2024-01-03
Accepted 2024-04-04
Published 2024-06-19