Knowledge and interest of bachelor nursing students about augmentative and alternative communication (A.A.C.): a pre-post study


  • Davide Bugada Asst santi paolo e carlo
  • Paolo Ferrara Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Laura Di Prisco Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Stefano Terzoni Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Roberta Lodini Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Giancarlo Celeri Bellotti Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Elena Sala Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Mauro Parozzi Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano
  • Lara Carelli Bachelor School of Nursing, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milano



Alternative Augmentative Communication, Students, Nurses, Knowledge, Perceptions


Nursing staff, whether already a professional or in training, is increasingly coming into contact with caregivers who present communication deficits, whether temporary or permanent. People with Complex Communicative Needs (CCB) often require compensatory strategies, such as Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC). Knowledge of AAC and the systems it makes available already in the training phase is an essential resource for establishing and maintaining an effective therapeutic relationship.

To investigate knowledge and perceptions regarding Augmentative and Alternative Communication in a sample of bachelor nursing students by assessing the effectiveness of a training intervention.

Pre-post monocentric study with enrolment of a sample of second and third year students of one bachelor school of nursing of the University of Milan; construction and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to detect knowledge and perceptions before and after participation in a training intervention.

140 students participated; at T0, 40.0% of the sample was familiar with the CAA; at T1, 92.14%. After the training intervention, the sample's knowledge increased statistically (p < 0.001 for all proposed questions). The questionnaire created showed good validity (CVI-S = 0.93).

It seems desirable to investigate how CAA is also used in different clinical care contexts, to quantify the professionals trained in its use, and to investigate the knowledge of students of other health professions and not.


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How to Cite

Bugada, D., Ferrara, P., Di Prisco, L., Terzoni, S., Lodini, R., Celeri Bellotti, G., Sala, E., Parozzi, M., & Carelli, L. (2023). Knowledge and interest of bachelor nursing students about augmentative and alternative communication (A.A.C.): a pre-post study. Dissertation Nursing, 2(1), 79–85.
Received 2022-10-31
Accepted 2022-11-23
Published 2023-01-30