Effects of early mobilization on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients undergoing thoracoscopy: a randomized controlled trial





Thoracoscopy, FEV1, Postoperative pulmonary function, Complications, Nursing


BACKGROUND: mobilization is crucial for reducing postoperative complications. In literature no precise inidications exist regarding mobilization timing and posture after thoracoscopy. This study aims to compare the effects of early Fowler’s position (first 6 hours after surgery) with bedrest in supine position for the first 24 hours.

METHODS: open-label clinical trial, on 28 patients undergoing thoracoscopy. The subjects were randomly allocated to be mobilized in Fowler's position within 45min after surgery up to 6h (study group) or to maintain recumbent position until the first postoperative day. Forced vital expiration (FEV1) was measured after 6 and 24 hours from surgery. Chest X-ray was performed immediately after surgery and on the first postoperative day.

RESULTS: the cases of atelectasis in the study group decreased from 53.3% to 20.0% (control group: from 69.2% to 46.2%). FEV1 showed statistically significant improvement in the study group both after 6 and 24 hours from surgery (p<.001).

CONCLUSIONS: early mobilization in Fowler's position improves respiratory outcomes by reducing the episodes of atelectasis. It also results in clinically relevant improvement in FEV1 if compared to recumbent position.


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2023-07-31 — Updated on 2023-08-01

How to Cite

Leo, L., Baisi, A., & Raveglia, F. (2023). Effects of early mobilization on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients undergoing thoracoscopy: a randomized controlled trial. Dissertation Nursing, 2(2), 16–24. https://doi.org/10.54103/dn/19838
Received 2023-02-12
Accepted 2023-03-23
Published 2023-08-01