Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of a tool to evaluate safety climate in the operating room


  • Deborah Maselli PhD Student, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy



safety attitudes questionnaire, operating room, safety culture, work environment, validation


Safety culture in the operating theatre is only systematically assessed with validated instruments in a few settings: the aim of the study is to adapt the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire OR Version (SAQ-OR) to the Italian context. The Italian-translated version was tested on 48 workers and a group of experts for face and content validity [Content Validity Index (I-CVI); Scale Validity Index (S-CVI)]; internal consistency was assessed with Cronbach's Alpha; stability test-retest was evaluated with Pearson's index. Fifty-six out of fifty-nine items were considered clear by at least 80% of the sample: unclear items were re-evaluated. Eight items had I-CVI less than the threshold of 0.8, and were reevaluated. S-CVI = 0.9; Cronbach's Alpha = 0.95; Pearson's index = 0.861. The linguistic-cultural adaptation into Italian of the SAQ-OR is a starting point for testing its construct validity.



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How to Cite

Maselli, D. (2023). Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of a tool to evaluate safety climate in the operating room. Dissertation Nursing, 2(2), 145–154.



Dissertation Nursing EDUCATIONAL
Received 2023-04-12
Accepted 2023-05-31
Published 2023-07-31