The quality of nursing care in oncology: validation of the Quality of Oncology Nursing Care Scale (QONCS) tool




quality of nursing care, oncology, QONCS, Assessment tools, validation


BACKGROUND: Nurses play a key role in the care of people with cancer. Providing quality nursing care means responding appropriately to the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient. The Quality of Oncology Nursing Care Scale (QONCS) tool is the first tool to be developed on a consolidated conceptual model that includes the main themes emerging from previous studies concerning the quality of oncology nursing care. To date, in Italy, there is no tool capable of measuring the quality of nursing care perceived by patients suffering from oncological pathology.

OBJECTIVES: The general purpose of the study is to adapt the QONCS tool in the Italian context in order to investigate the quality of nursing care perceived by cancer patients and its related factors.

METHODS: The study will be developed into four phases: (a) the cultural adaptation of the instrument to the Italian context; (b) the assessment of the face and content validity of the instrument; (c) the evaluation of construct validity and reliability, and (d) the description of the quality of nursing care as perceived by the patients including factors/items confirmed in the validation process.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES: We intend to validate the tool on more than 400 people affected by oncological pathology. The construct that the tool intends to measure will be confirmed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and will report high internal consistency and test-retest reliability.


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How to Cite

Marcomini, I., Riboni, F., Mallio, M., Bozzetti, M., Pendoni, R., & Milani, L. (2023). The quality of nursing care in oncology: validation of the Quality of Oncology Nursing Care Scale (QONCS) tool. Dissertation Nursing, 2(2), 138–144.
Received 2023-04-13
Accepted 2023-05-08
Published 2023-07-31