The importance of a multidisciplinary team to increase corneal donation

The introduction of the figure of the Specialized Nurse in Organ Donation in the multidisciplinary team as a support for the coordination of the organ and tissue donation


  • Greta Palena Home Care, ASL AL, Alessandria, Italy
  • Finiguerra Ivana Health Personnel Management, AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (TO), Italy
  • Alberta Fratemali Health Personnel Management, AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (TO), Italy
  • Fabio Passet Health Personnel Management, AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (TO), Italy



organ donation, cornea donation, donor, nurse, procurement


Corneal donation represents the only treatment that can provide visual recovery and improvement of painful symptoms to individuals with visual impairment caused by corneal disease, leading to improved quality of life. In addition to being a therapeutic intervention for the recipient, donation is also an essential means of comfort for bereaved families and the possibility of self-determination for the deceased. However, there needs to be more clarity between the need for and availability of grafts. The causes of this important gap are mainly due to a need for more information on the population and training of health professionals.

The introduction of an integrated Procurement model effectively improves the entire donation process through the interaction of a multidisciplinary group consisting of physicians, nurses, the hospital management team, and the formally recognized figure of a nurse expert in organ and tissue donation.


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2024-01-31 — Updated on 2024-02-01


How to Cite

Palena, G., Ivana, F., Fratemali, A., & Passet, F. (2024). The importance of a multidisciplinary team to increase corneal donation: The introduction of the figure of the Specialized Nurse in Organ Donation in the multidisciplinary team as a support for the coordination of the organ and tissue donation. Dissertation Nursing, 3(1). (Original work published January 31, 2024)



Dissertation Nursing EDUCATIONAL
Received 2023-08-25
Accepted 2024-01-22
Published 2024-02-01