Access to primary written source for the study of the history of nursing through web tools




History of nursing, Archives, Nurses, Libraries, Primary sources, Search engine


Historical research is a qualitative research method whose purpose is the discovery of new knowledge through the examination of past events using documents, objects, images, or interviews.

The article is intended to provide useful information to identify in which archives and libraries it is possible to find written primary sources of nursing interest using the web search tools.

Methodological study. Web sites were selected that with the help of search system allow the identification of historical documents indexed in national and international archives or libraries managed by both public and private entities.

Five major computer research channels have been identified. Two channels are devoted to researching materials stored at libraries, one of which is related to a network of Italian libraries, and one containing mostly digitized material coming from both Italian and international libraries. The remaining three channels are dedicated to archival research, two of which are related to the state and one non-state archival patrimony.

Computer research tools prove very useful in identifying what primary written sources exist, and where they are located, providing an overview of available material on a given topic. It also makes it possible to optimize time and cost of research, expanding it exponentially.

Access to sources may vary depending on the systems available to the preserving entity. It is crucial to consider that the exclusive use of computerized tools doesn't provide for the inclusion of records held in archives and libraries that do not have search engines.


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How to Cite

Di Nardo, V., & Dimonte, V. (2024). Access to primary written source for the study of the history of nursing through web tools. Dissertation Nursing, 3(2).
Received 2024-01-03
Accepted 2024-02-10
Published 2024-02-19