










In order for Dissertation Nursing  to publish an article, it is necessary that the author who makes the submission also provides a publication agreement on behalf of all the authors of the manuscript (the author must have the permission of the other authors to do so). This is a normal and common procedure for making a publication in any scientific journal and is carried out by asking the author to accept the terms at the time of submission through an automated procedure.

Unlike most magazines that ask for copyright transferral, Dissertation Nursing grants the authors the copyright of their work.

By accepting the terms of the agreement, all authors will retain their copyrights on the Article and all other intellectual property rights. The agreement provides is based upon a distribution license without which it is clearly not possible to publish and distribute the work: DISSERTATION NURSING will apply the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND). The license grants users the ability to copy and distribute the article free of charge and solely for non-commercial purposes provided that the user inserts a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI and provides a link to the license. The license does not allow the distribution of the article in any case it is altered. Full information regarding the license used is available on the website:  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.it. ​In addition to this, all authors will have the same rights to reuse the article that are granted to end users as established by the abovementioned License.

Specifically, this license entitles the user/author(s) to:

- use the article in a subsequent collection of their works.
- expand the Article, making it become a book.
- include the Article in a thesis or in other works with purely academic purposes.
- use or reuse portions or extracts of the article for other works, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

With the exception of the uses already listed, the license of the publishing rights that is granted to the University of Milan gives the exclusive right to make or sub-license any commercial use.

From the moment of submission all authors therefore agree NOT to further disseminate their work until the article is published or withdrawn. If the article is not accepted for publication, the agreement between the authors and the journal will be considered l and void and the authors will be able to dispose of their paper as they deem appropriate.



In order to ensure a high quality service to the readers of the journal and to fulfill legal obligations in terms of plagiarism prevention, manuscripts submitted to the journal will be checked for plagiarism using iThenticate® software. All submission that do not pass this check will be rejected. 

Editors have a duty to act promptly in case of errors and misconducts, both proven and alleged. This duty extends to both published and unpublished papers. In case such as errors in articles or in the publication process, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, appropriate steps will be taken, following the recommendations, guidelines and flowcharts from COPE.  Corrections will happen with due prominence, including the publication of an erratum (errors from the publication process), corrigendum (errors from the Author(s)) or, in the most severe cases, the retraction of the affected work. Retracted papers will be retained online, and they will be prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers


In order to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the privacy and security of personal data, the authors must have certain authorizations.  It is responsibility of the authors to ensure that the terms of each written consent / authorization / permission contain the correct legislative references regarding privacy, storage and protection of personal data.

All studies involving patients must include an explicit statement in the Materials and Methods section that identifies the ethical committee /institutional review board that approved the study, including the approval number.

By international standards, every study in which human subjects were involved must include an explicit statement by the authors that they have obtained the informed consent of each participant (written or verbal, as appropriate).

More specifically, if experiments involving human subjects are reported, the authors must indicate whether the procedures followed were by the ethical standards of the committee responsible for human experimentation (institutional and national) and the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013 (and any subsequent amendments).

Studies involving privately owned animals must contain a statement by the authors attesting the client's informed consent and adherence to a high standard (best practice) of veterinary care. Dissertation Nursing does not accept submission containing experimental studies on animal subjects.


If the authors wish to include particular details of clinical cases or other personal information, patients (or their legal representative) must have signed an informed consent including permission to collect and publish the aggregated/anonymized data. Patient names, medical record numbers, dates of birth and any other information that could potentially identify the individual patient should be omitted.


If the authors are willing to publish photographs in their paper, these images must not show details that can identify a specific person (e.g. faces, tattoos, captions, identification numbers and other details). In case it is necessary to use photographs with these details, it is necessary that the authors have a permission signed by the person portrayed in the pictures or a legal representative. The authors are responsible for obtaining such permission before sending the article to the journal.


It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the authorizations to collect and use data also for publication purposes, as well as (if provided) to use the name of the facility where the study was conducted.

The presence of all the necessary authorizations (informed consents / company authorizations / releases / other) must be reported and specified in the article within the "Methods" section. By submitting the manuscript, the author implicitly declares to be in possession of all the necessary authorizations for the publication of the material sent to the journal.




Below are some excerpts from the Publication Ethics:

5.1 Integrity of the published recording – corrections.

When actual errors in works published in the journal are reported by readers, authors or publishers, if they do not invalidate the work as a whole, a correction will be published as soon as possible. The document will be corrected with a correction date. If the error invalidates the work or substantial parts of it, the article will be withdrawn with an explanation of the reason for the retraction ("honest error"). Retired documents will be kept online and will be prominently marked in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers.

5.2 Integrity of published documentation - suspected unlawful conduct.

If readers, reviewers or others raise serious concerns about the conduct, validity or reporting of works published in the journal, editors will contact the authors and allow them to respond to comments. If this answer is not satisfactory, the editors will take the case to the appropriate institutional forums.  
If the Authors become aware of an error within the article, they must communicate it to an Editor in Chief in the shortest possible time. In case of errors, scientific fraud, plagiarism or other situations not specifically defined during the publication process, the recommendations and guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) will be followed.




The data analyzed and reported in the articles must be accessible (publicly or upon request) at any time the journal or regulatory authorities request them, even years later. Authors agree, upon reasoned request, to provide the data and to take steps to seek permission from any third-party owner who has consented to their use for the study. If the data submitted in a manuscript still under consideration for publication are not provided following the journal's request, the manuscript will be rejected immediately. If the data in a manuscript that has already been published are not provided, an Editor in Chief will withdraw the manuscript. In this case, the manuscript will remain online and be marked with 'WITHDRAWN' followed by its specific reason.