Hospitals and mountains. Landscapes, functions, powers in the Middle Ages (Italy, France, Spain) (Quaderni di SSMD, 5)

					View Hospitals and mountains. Landscapes, functions, powers in the Middle Ages (Italy, France, Spain) (Quaderni di SSMD, 5)

The volume is one of the results of the PRIN 2015, Alle origini del welfare (XIII- XVI secolo). Radici medievali e moderne della cultura europea dell’assistenza e delle forme di protezione sociale e credito solidale, principal investigator Gabriella Piccinni. The authors approach the history of mountain hospitals in a comparative perspective, focusing on case studies from Northern and Central Italy, Southern France, and Northern Spain. The book is therefore an original and significant contribution to the reconstruction of the historical landscapes and of the economic, political and social structures, as well as the cultural and religious frameworks, of the medieval territories.

Published: 2022-01-12
