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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published in another journal.
  • The submission files are in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Text is single-spaced and in Garamond 12-point font; uses cursive instead of underlining (except for URL addresses). All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points. Tables are editable.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarised in the guidelines for authors described in the section of the same name and in the section "Submissions".
  • The MAIN TEXT file does not contain any references that might indicate or reveal the identity of the authors.
  • The data collected, analyzed, or reported in the manuscript are available publicly or upon request to the authors.
  • The submission has not previously been sent to another journal; if not, please provide a detailed explanation to the editors in the 'comments to editor' section.
  • The paper was correctly divided into the files: (1) Abstract, (2) Title Page, (3) Main Text and any further necessary files as defined by the Guidelines for Authors.

Author Guidelines


Dissertation Nursing® welcomes original scientific content without asking for any publication fee (Diamond Open Access); after the check through anti-plagiarism software, the articles will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. In order for Dissertation Nursing to publish and disseminate a research article, it is necessary to accept a publication agreement; in short, the author will retain the Copyright on the article and all other intellectual property rights by granting the property of Dissertation Nursing a publishing and distribution license. For every detail, please refer to the submission page, which will guide the authors also through this process.

The manuscripts sent to Dissertation Nursing must not contain any information that could potentially allow identification of the authors. Manuscripts deriving from a Bachelor's Degree thesis must include the Supervisor among the authors (in any position) to ensure the quality of the manuscript.

By submitting the manuscript, all authors accept all the policies of Dissertation Nursing. The scientific contents are evaluated by a team of minimum n. 2 reviewers; following the instructions of the reviewers, the editor may accept, reject or ask the authors to modify the paper. For further information on the review process, see the "Publication Ethics" and "policies" sections. 

The data entered during registration on the magazine's website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be made available to third parties.


All scientific contents submitted to the journal must be compliant with the Journal's Mission. When possible, we invite authors to write their manuscripts following the reporting guidelines on the Equator Network; these guidelines, divided according to the study design, are aimed at ensuring quality in the presentation of various types of studies. The manuscripts considered for publication must fall into one of the following categories:

Documents in which a study project is described in detail, explaining the underlying problem, defining scope and objectives, and providing relevant details on the methodology of the project.

Studies that summarize the main bibliographic references available in a specific field, with a length between 5,000 words and 8,000 words. All types of revisions are accepted.

Studies of various design that are relevant to nursing. The length must be comprised between 4,000 and 6,000 words and be structured according to the following sections:

- Background
- Aim
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- References

A case report is a detailed report of the care, treatment, and follow-up of an individual. It describes  unusual conditions and contributes to gathering evidence in areas in which the literature is scant (e.g. in the field of rare diseases).

The case reports must include a retrospective analysis of more than three clinical cases and/or a literature review.

Other types of contributions consistent with the Journal's Mission will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The authors are welcome to send an email to the editors-in-chief, seeking advice in these cases.


6) Incomplete, obsolete, small surveys/reviews or studies performed with non-rigorous methodology can be evaluated for publication in the Dissertation Nursing® EDUCATIONAL section of the journal. Instructions for submitting this content type are presented on THIS WEB PAGE.



To begin / manage a submission, please click on the link upon this page. The corresponding author will be asked to upload the following files:

1) ABSTRACT: You will be required to upload the Abstract (in English language & Italian if possible) and enter it in a specific textbox. Maximum 250 words.

2) MAIN TEXT: this file (in .doc, .docx, or .odt format) must include the complete manuscript without any reference that can identify the authors and including abstract, text, any tables and figures (images, graphs etc.), bibliography and any appendices.

3) TITLE PAGE: this file (in .doc, .docx, .odt format) must contain a numbered list of all the authors of the manuscript, in order of consideration for publication. For each author must be indicated name and surname, affiliation to institutions or institutes, a valid email contact and a valid telephone contact. To avoid forgetting any data, authors must download and fill in the data in THIS FORM.

The material must be sent in Italian or English.

The main text of the manuscript must be preceded by an abstract (max 250 words) divided into the following sections:

- Background
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions

The author can enter from 3 to 7 keywords; the editorial board reserves the right to modify them at any time to ensure a better distribution / visibility of the article.

The page should be left in standard format (A4) with justified text on the left and single spacing. The use of underlining is not allowed.  

Character: Color: black.
Font: Garamond
Titles (1): size 12 pt, bold, UPPERCASE.
Titles (2): size 12 pts, bold. Text: size 12 pts.

Charts, Tables, Figure: Tables and Figures must be numbered and formatted according to the Vancouver style. The tables inserted in the body text must be editable in all their parts (no pictures).

References must be compliant with the Vancouver style. Authors are advised to use a citation manager, i.e. a software able to automatically manage the references (Mendeley,  Zotero,  EndNote, etc) and / or the use of a web-app (eg: Cite This For Me). Particular attention is recommended for the inclusion of online resources where the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) when available or the link to the web page will be indicated, also indicating the date of last consultation in the form


1. Ferrara P, Terzoni S, Davì S, Bisesti A, Destrebecq A. A tool for assessing the quality of nursing handovers: a validation study. Br J Nurs [Internet]. 2017 Aug 10;26(15):882–8. Available from:

2. Benci L. Legal aspects of the nursing profession. 6th ed. Milan: McGraw-Hill; 2008.


Before sending the manuscript, each author is required to check the absence of information that can trace the work back to its authorship in any way. It is also important that the MAIN TEXT file is anonymized, removing the personal details of those who created it.

For publications about the History of Nursing in the "Special Report" section, the use of the Harvard style is allowed.

To perform this procedure, before submitting, the author must click on the file with the right mouse button, select [properties], then [details] and click on [Remove properties and personal information]. A new screen will open where the author will select [Remove the following properties from the file], then [select all] and finally click [OK].

In order to avoid violation of the ethical principles of publication, Dissertation Nursing has established a dedicated procedure that excludes any possible inference deriving from the role of author and:

 - collaborative relationships with the magazine, for any reason;

- direct and continuous working relationships, present or past, with collaborators of the magazine;

- relationships of kinship or sentimental relationship with a collaborator of the magazine;

- any other kind of relationship with collaborators of the magazine that may affect in any way the editorial process.

The procedure is structured as follows:
1) At the time of submission, any potential conflict of interest must be explicitly and detailed in a timely manner through the "Comments for the Editor" space.
2) The submission will be took in charge by an Editor in Chief, who will assign it to an Editor having no conflict of interest with the authors. If the Editor confirms that he no conflict of interest exist, he/she will submit the review of the work to at least two reviewers external to the organizations of which the subjects with potential conflict of interest may be part. The reviewers chosen in this way must declare the absence of any conflict of interest with the study reported in the manuscript, with its design or with the structuring of the paper before submission. Finally, they must declare that they are not aware of who the authors of the manuscript are.

If any of the reviewers cannot declare what is required,  the Editor will choose a new reviewer to replace him. If the Editor reveals that he has a possible conflict of interest with the authors of the manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will assign the review process to a new Editor.

In order to guarantee a fair process of double blind peer review, any collaborator who presents a conflict of interest with a submitted manuscript must necessarily accept a momentary variation of his role within Dissertation Nursing to a role that does not allow access to any information of the editorial process. This role will last until the final decision on the manuscript. When, after the editorial process, a final decision on the manuscript is made by the editorial team, the previous role of the contributor will be restored.



By submitting, the authors declare that they read the policy policies and agree to provide the collected/processed/presented data at the request of the journal or regulatory authorities, at any time these requests, in the present or future.


By submitting the article, the authors implicitly declare:

- to have read the section concerning the policies of Dissertation Nursing and that the study is ethically compliant with what has been established;

- to have the rights of submitting all the contents sent and to assure their correctness, taking responsibility for the publication in the broadest of its meanings.

Dissertation Nursing EDUCATIONAL

In the section DISSERTATION NURSING EDUCATIONAL are published:

- Incomplete studies: a research project may have to be interrupted due to difficulties in finding data, errors only realized later on, or various other reasons. Publishing incomplete work with an appropriate reason and explanation is an important opportunity for new researchers to grow, as they can learn from what has been previously done to progress in the field of research.

- Obsolete studies: Sometimes, studies carried out with the correct methodology take time to publish, resulting in obsolete and implying the need to update them for possible publication. The publication of this kind of content, with a brief review of current progress on the topic, can help suggest new directions for developing new research and updated studies on the same topics.

- Small-scale surveys/reviews: small-scale studies, even if carried out without a rigorous methodology, can be an important starting point for in-depth investigations, extensions, and learning how to implement scientific research methodology in practice. To this end, the publication of this kind of contribution will be accompanied by a constructive editorial suggestion regarding improvements to be made to carry out a similar study in a more rigorous (and scientifically valid) manner.

Conference proceedings

This section is reserved for conference organizations in agreement with publication on Dissertation Nursing.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.