Clinical monitoring and care complexity of patients in the Department of Emergency and Acceptance (DEA): care and organisational issues


  • Erika Trionfetti Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano
  • Giovanni Di Pietro F.a.p.y. Management & Consulting S.r.l.s., Parma



complexity of care, emergency department, acceptance, emergency room, DEA


The analysis of care complexity has proved necessary in order to better respond to the needs for patient care and assistance at the level of the emergency department; hence the need to monitor care complexity in the Department of Emergency and Acceptance, as there are no studies or tools that deal with this subject in this context.

To map the care complexity of patients admitted to the Department of Emergency and Acceptance at the San Paolo hospital in Milan, verifying the applicability of the tool and methods already used for the study in the emergency department, possibly adapting them to the context under study. To this end, the paper presents a validation of an instrument for detecting the care complexity of patients in this unit, discussing its implications for nursing practice.

Prospective, single-centre, convenience-sample observational study with enrolment of all patients aged ≥ 18 years, admitted within the DEA and coming from the emergency department of the St Paul's hospital.

203 patients were recruited. The proposed instrument showed satisfactory internal consistency (0.71). Statistical analysis also made it possible to see the most compromised needs of the patients examined, according to access diagnosis and comorbidities.

The proposed tool can therefore be used to monitor the complexity of care in the  Department of Emergency and Acceptance with integration by the nurse, of assessments that emerge during contact with the person assisted.


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How to Cite

Trionfetti, E., & Di Pietro, G. (2022). Clinical monitoring and care complexity of patients in the Department of Emergency and Acceptance (DEA): care and organisational issues . Dissertation Nursing, 1(1), 78–86.
Received 2022-03-15
Accepted 2022-06-15
Published 2022-07-29