Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and nursing care in urology: utopia or next mile stone? A literature review





nurse, enhanced recovery after surgery, urology, urinary, ERAS


BACKGROUND: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a multidisciplinary program of evidence-based interventions that minimizes physical response to surgical stress, allows patients to achieve better outcomes, early and safe discharge, and reduces costs. Despite the presence of evidence on the usefulness of the ERAS program in major surgery, the implementation of this multidisciplinary pathway has not yet achieved consensus in urologic surgery.

AIMS: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ERAS elements implemented in urological surgery for each stage of the surgical process, evaluate their outcomes, and investigate nursing perspectives.

METHODS: After identifying the scope and research question, the PIO (Population, Intervention, Outcome) was formulated. In August and September 2022, the literature search was conducted by searching the main biomedical databases: PubMed, Cinahl, Embase.

RESULTS: Fourteen papers were included. 1 qualitative design and 13 quantitative design. Several topics areas were identified, divided into the different stages of the operative process.

CONCLUSIONS: The contributions analyzed in this paper add to the increasing number of evidence supporting the value of ERAS to improve outcomes in the population undergoing urologic surgery, with particular reference to patients undergoing radical cystectomy, which is a highly demolitive procedure.


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How to Cite

Milani, I., Biscotti, R., Gentile, A., Ingrosso, F., Rimoldi, E., & Ripa, P. (2023). Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and nursing care in urology: utopia or next mile stone? A literature review. Dissertation Nursing, 2(2), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.54103/dn/19952
Received 2023-03-24
Accepted 2023-04-21
Published 2023-07-31