Mediazione notarile. Forme e linguaggi tra Medioevo ed Età moderna (Quaderni di SSMD, 6)

					View Mediazione notarile. Forme e linguaggi tra Medioevo ed Età moderna (Quaderni di SSMD, 6)

The book is the first scientific outcome of the LIMEN (Linguaggi della Mediazione Notarile tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna) research group: a project submitted in 2019 to the Extraordinary Call for Interdepartmental Projects of the University of Milan and funded with the seal of excellence 2020 award. The aim of the project is to study the notary in Italy and Europe, with particular reference to the mediation role played by notaries; to the methods, times and spaces in which this role was affirmed; to the forms, languages and techniques that conveyed this particular function.

Published: 2022-03-03