No. 7 (2022)

					View No. 7 (2022)

What particularly characterises this seventh issue of Prassi ecdotiche della modernità letteraria (actually the ninth issue, issues 4/1 and 4/2 and 5/1 and 5/2 having come out in 2019 and 2020) is the presence - in the "Convegni e incontri aperti" section - of a short but particular paper by Pasquale Stoppelli, presented in both Italian and English, in order to allow it to be read by a large number of young scholars (and students) not only from Italy: 'The Art of the Philologist in 15 Points' (for the use of young followers). In the fifteen points recalled by the title, in fact, Stoppelli outlines the habitus of those who work in close contact with the text: the philologist, therefore, who must be well aware of certain 'rules' - not codified but fundamental - in order to best perform the function of 'mediation between author and reader' that is incumbent upon him. In the same direction of a methodological suggestion for 'young adepts' are also the observations on Christian Genetelli's short book 'Un'inedita e ignota recensione di Giacomo Leopardi ('L'ombra di Dante')', a significant example of how a historical-philological study must keep in mind the three stages of seeking and finding, investigating and contextualising, reading and interpreting.


Published: 2022-05-23