No. 6 (2021): Anniversaries

					View No. 6 (2021): Anniversaries

Every year is full of anniversaries, whether commemorating the birth or death of a writer, or the first printing of works that have gone down in history. However, 2021 seems to be a special year, and - like 1865 and 1921 - it will be remembered for the many and varied celebrations (plus the release of many publications) commemorating a Dantean anniversary: this time the 700th anniversary of the writer's death. In 2021, however, there will also be the 100th anniversary of Carlo Porta's death, and, coming closer in time, the 10th anniversary of Giovanni Giudici's death.

The editorial staff of Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria wanted to recall this important series of anniversaries, asking a number of scholars to intervene, with reference to them, with an essay, an edition, or an in-depth textual or ecdotical study.

The result is the issue of PEML presented here: these first contributions will be joined by others already in the pipeline that will complete, in the coming weeks and months, the complete index, divided, in its part, into three sections: "Dantesca", "Portiana", "Contemporanea".


Published: 2021-05-18