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The University of Milan’s commitment to Open Science means a vast catalogue of open-access diamond journals are available online at The University recognises the importance of access to research, transparency in the peer-review and validations processes, and the desire to provide visibility to some of the research conducted on campus which, even when distributed through traditional channels, is not accorded the merit it deserves. The project aims to meet international publishing standards for open-access scientific journals. Thanks to the University’s adherence to those standards, individual journals have been selected for inclusion in the leading international research databases. Both the editorial boards and the scientific-review committees meet standards of quality that have become indispensable for any publishing effort seeking accreditation. All journals have either been accepted, or will soon be accepted, in the Directory of Open Access Journals. The programme aims for the broadest possible dissemination of University scientific journals, in accordance with the Declaration of Messina, signed by our University in support of the Declaration of Berlin for Open Access to Scientific Research, and in accordance with the principles expressed by LERU in its Open Science and its role in universities: a roadmap for cultural change

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Journals list by subject



Altre Modernità

Altre Modernità (ISSN 2035-7680) is an electronic journal OJS of Literary and Cultural Studies promoted by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the Department of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication of the University of Milan. It constitutes a national and international reference in the debate about contemporary cultural, artistic and literary productions, through a trans-disciplinary and multilingual perspective.
The journal mainly focuses on the study of the borderland areas and peripheries of the globalized world, with particular attention devoted to alternative and divergent modes and forms of cultural representation. Literary discourse is the starting point and the inevitable intersection in the exploration of multiple cultural and artistic fields, which are always approached through a gaze capable of interweaving various disciplines and insights.
The journal presents the following sections: Essays, which includes the contributions devoted to literary, cultural and linguistic topics, Off the Record, which includes reflections about contemporariness and its main phenomena. The Creative, a section dedicated to unpublished work of young writers and artists; Interviews, which gives voice to the most important protagonists of the cultural world; Highly Recommended, gathering notes, reviews and bibliographical indications about novels, works and texts focusing on cultural analysis published in the last 5 years. Thematic issues may also contain further sections, namely Dossier, a section focused on specific topics, edited by the most important Italian and foreign professionals, and The Guest, which includes original or translated works of pivotal figures in the contemporary literary and cultural debate.

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Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.

Acme aims to contribute to the study of the humanities and the deepening of research, with the help of recognized masters and enhancing the contribution of young and promising scholars who study in deep specific philological and philosophical, historical and artistic aspects.

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AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images [ISSN 2785-7433]

The journal AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images [ISSN 2785-7433] is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal, stemming from the ERC Advanced project “AN-ICON. An-Iconology: History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images”

The journal aims to set out a groundbreaking interdisciplinary research field addressing the key challenges raised by the rapidly evolving contemporary mediascape, focussing in particular on the emergence of what can be defined as environmental images, namely an-icons.

The journal is indexed by ERIH PLUS and listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

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Annals of Microbiology

Raccolta dei primi numeri digitalizzati della rivista Annals of Microbiology, dal 1940

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Aristonothos. Rivista di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico

The present Journal aims to celebrate the Mediterranean sea and contribute to developing themes, studies and imagery that the krater signed by the Greek Aristonothos still evokes today. Deposed in the tomb of an Etruscan, it tells of stories and relationships between different cultures that take place in this sea and on the lands which connects.

Created in 2007 in paper version as a series publishing conference proceedings and miscellaneous volumes, since 2010 it has also been online on the OJS platform of the University of Milan. Since 2020 Aristonothos has finally turned into a journal, accepting articles from scholars of antiquities studies with particular reference to the cultures of the Mediterranean basin and becoming a forum where innovative and original research and contributions can converge.

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AOQU (Achilles Orlando Quixote Ulysses). Journal on Epic

«AOQU. Achilles Orlando Quixote Ulysses» is the offspring of four scholars of University of Milan interested in Italian epic poem in ottavas.

The Journal aims to be a place for scholars from multiple disciplines to discuss on Epics beyond languages, cultures, ages. Epic poetry will be seen as a cultural, moral and ideological model, defining self-perception in history and society, in relationship with other cultures, ideologies as well as collective imagination.

The Journal welcomes essays in Italian, English, French or Spanish, exploring the role of Epic model (as a genre proper, or as a register) in different cultures up to date, even besides literature. The Journal, furthermore, will host monographic issues on specific topics.

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Biannual journal for an ethics of inclusion

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Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese

The Atti del sodalizio glottologico milanese publish essays on glottology and languistics, reflecting the activities of the scientific production of the members of the Society. Normally the contributions published in the Proceedings reproduce the content of the conferences held during the conference of the Sodalizio glottologico milanese year prior to publication.

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Bollettino di zoologia agraria e bachicoltura

Raccolta dei primi numeri digitalizzati della rivista "Bollettino di zoologia agraria e bachicoltura" dal 1929.

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Carte Romanze

Carte Romanze è una pubblicazione scientifica dedicata allo studio delle lingue e delle letterature romanze del Medioevo e del Rinascimento, che ambisce ad andare oltre l’ambito accademico, proponendosi come un agile strumento di approfondimento e di confronto tra generazioni di studiosi di differente formazione e provenienza, e offre una visione moderna e attuale, seppur saldamente ancorata alla tradizione, della Romanistica, dando spazio a interventi ispirati anche ad approcci ermeneutici originali, rigorosi e non conformistici, utili per costruire un serio progetto culturale. Nelle varie sezioni della rivista (Testi, Saggi, Varietà, Note e Discussioni, Recensioni e schede) resteranno comunque centrali l’attenzione al testo e il punto di vista comparato, aperto anche allo studio dei rapporti con le letterature classiche, mediolatine, germaniche e semitiche.

Carte Romanze (CR) è un periodico semestrale on line e open access, che utilizza la piattaforma operativa OJS (Open Journal System); ha ottenuto nel 2018 la classificazione A dall'ANVUR; è presente nell'indice europeo ERIH-PLUS, nella Core collection di Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI, dal 2015) e nei repertori CIRCACNP, BASE, EZB, DOAJ, PLEIADI, ROAD, WorldCat, ZDB.

Chi fosse interessato all'acquisto dei numeri cartacei può trovarli a questo indirizzo

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Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal

Cinéma & Cie is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal. The research areas of the journal include media history and theory and their relationship; the various intersections between technological, industrial and representational aspects; audiovisual heritage; reception and consumption; the links between different forms of audiovisual narrative, art and communication.

Published twice a year (in Spring and Fall), the journal is structured in four different sections:

– Thematic issue: usually the largest section, devoted to a specific topic. This section only accepts submissions in response to specific calls for essays that are advertised via the journal website;
– Beyond Cinema: a section focused on innovative perspectives on the transformations in the field of film studies. Submissions are accepted only in response to the permanent call for essays advertised on the website;
– Projects & Abstracts: the section details international research and noteworthy Ph.D. thesis projects or abstracts, recommended by supervisors;
– Reviews: the section consists of significant essays, festivals, exhibitions, conferences and related content.

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Concorso. Arti e lettere

[Pubblicazione cessata]

Concorso. Arti e lettere, nata all'interno del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Arte dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, si propone di pubblicare materiali e interventi, soprattutto di giovani studiosi, nell'ambito della ricerca storico-artistica.

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Connessioni remote. Artivismo_Teatro_Tecnologia

Connessioni remote is a six-monthly journal free of charge, on the relationship between technology, visual art, and performing arts; it is directed by Anna Monteverdi and inspired by Giacomo Verde's artworks. It is divided into the following sections: Techno-theatre (Performing arts and technology); Artivism (Media Activism, Networking as art); Giacomo Verde’s Archive (essays on the artist and unpublished materials); Artist tribute  (videos, animations, net art works).

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I nuovi numeri di Consonanze sono disponibili nella sezione libri della Milano University Press


L’armonica fusione, nel “Dipartimento di Studi Letterari Filologici e Linguistici” dell’Università degli Studi di Milano (struttura di fatto corrispondente al corso di laurea in Lettere) degli studiosi che operavano nei due diversi dipartimenti di “Scienze dell’antichità” e di “Filologia moderna”, ha portato con sé, come semplice e logica conseguenza, la nascita di una nuova collana di studi e testi, destinata a ospitare le pubblicazioni delle nostre varietà disciplinari.

Il suo titolo, «Consonanze», intende suggerire la pluralità di interessi scientifici e di approcci metodologici, ma al tempo stesso l’intima coerenza, sul piano del rigore, dei contributi destinati ad arricchirla, siano essi di taglio filologico, letterario, linguistico o storico.

«Consonanze» ospiterà tanto lavori di docenti esperti come di giovani studiosi, tanto monografie come miscellanee o atti di convegno, libri che passeranno il vaglio rigoroso della revisione fra pari e che saranno leggibili sia su supporto cartaceo sia sulle pagine elettroniche della rete.

La collana, che si avvale di un prestigioso comitato scientifico, non è destinata solamente a dar esito alle migliori ricerche dei membri del Dipartimento, ma si onorerà di accogliere anche contributi di studiosi esterni, italiani e stranieri.

Giuseppe Lozza

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Criando: la rivista di CRIAR

[Pubblicazione cessata] Criando è la rivista del Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario sulle Americhe Romanze (CRIAR); si propone come spazio per la riflessione transculturale e interdisciplinare sulla “questione della lingua” tra le comunità americane di lingua romanza in una prospettiva postcoloniale e decoloniale.


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De Musica

Founded in 1997 at the University of Milan, De Musica is an intedisciplinary journal that considers music from a broad perspective which includes philosophy, musicology, cogntiive sciences, psychology and psychoacoustics.

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With our digital series, we aim to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge ensuring the wide circulation of our professors and young researchers’ studies through their distribution in e-book format, without, however, giving up their publication in print. Our volumes are the result of a strict process of selection and control; we thus aim to increase the international visibility of our department through to our contacts with leading scholars in our fields if research and the already existing bilateral agreements between our university and other institutions – universities, research centres, cultural institutions – in order to foster collaborations in the field of digital publishing. We promote research in English, French, German, Spanish, Scandinavian and Slavic studies, both in their European and extra-European dimension. We publish monographs, brief essays and collective volumes occasioned by conferences or research workshop held in Italy or abroad.

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Dissertation Nursing

Dissertation Nursing is an open access, double blind, peer reviewed journal publishing original research and review performed by nursing's students at every level of graduation. Research papers concerning nursing science carried out by nursing professionals are also accepted. 

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Doctor Virtualis

Doctor Virtualis. Journal of History of Medieval Philosophy. Founded in 2002 by the Chairs of the History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Milan

ISSN 2035-7362

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Enki & Ptah. Journal of Technology and Trade in Ancient Egypt and Western Asia

Enki & Ptah is a scientific journal focused on technology, science, crafts, exchange and commercial interactions in ancient Egypt, Nubia, the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia, from Prehistory to the beginning of the Hellenistic period. The journal accepts contributions in English dealing with archaeology, history, and philology, and is directed by Patrizia Piacentini and Luca Peyronel.

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International journal of literary criticism, literary theory, and philosophy of literature

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Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public Health

EBPH aims to be a cross-discipline, international forum for scientific integration and evidence-based policymaking

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Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts & Rituals

Eventum is a non-profit, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and diamond open access scholarly journal dedicated to the ritual dimensions of medieval arts and to the interrelations between visual, literary, and performing works. Eventum is especially interested in overlaps that take place within the framework of various medieval rituals: religious, semireligious, profane. The journal is edited by medievalists of the University of Cyprus and lists in its Editorial Board international experts. Eventum welcomes submissions from scholars at different career stages. It is published annually in English and publishes both thematic and non-thematic issues.

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Fenestella. Inside Medieval Art

Fenestella. Inside Medieval Art aims to consider medieval artefacts from within, as if seen through a fenestella confessionis.

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Ex Chordis

Ex Chordis. A Bowed Strings Journal [ISSN 3034-8781]


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Food In

Collezione di studi sull'ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale

Codice ISSN: 2039-1544

Food in è una rivista che pubblica monografie su alimenti di origine animale, che ricoprano i vari aspetti della sicurezza alimentare.

Food In si rivolge agli studenti universitari e alle figure professionali che si occupano di alimenti di origine animale.

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Rivista di culture della moda degli studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Milano


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Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation

Glocalism is a peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal dealing with the process of globalization and glocalization.

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inOpera Esercizi di lettura su testi contemporanei

«inOpera» è una rivista semestrale che ospita esercizi di lettura su singoli testi, sia poetici sia narrativi, appartenenti agli ultimi due secoli della storia italiana, non senza escursioni che conducano l’indagine alla saggistica e alle scritture private e al di là dei confini nazionali.

Il progetto prende idealmente le mosse da questa sentenza di Theodor Adorno:  «L’universale della bellezza non può comunicarsi al soggetto che attraverso l’ossessione del particolare» (Minima moralia).

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InKoj. Philosophy & Artificial Languages, New series

ISSN: 2037-4550. DOI: 10.6092/2037-4550. Six-monthly issue

InKoj. Philosophy & Artificial Languages – New series is an academic journal sponsored by the University of Milan. The previous series was devoted to interlinguistics and philosophy of planned and artificial languages. The new series introduces a more philosophical and technical character and a brand new editorial team. Areas of central concern of the new series are: analytical metaphysics, ontology and epistemology, whose problems are approached by a restatement of the ordinary language,  through a manipulation of its logical form and/or its semantics. Papers discussing  the advantages and drawbacks, or risks, of such manipulation of a more intuitive formulation of philosophical problems are also welcome. New Call for Papers

Deadline: May, 15.

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Italian Journal of Public Health

The archived issues of the Italian Journal of Public Health (IJPH) (2003-2012), now Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health (EBPH)

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Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures

Interfaces promotes connective and interdisciplinary views of the literatures of medieval Europe and explores their place and significance in a world of global literature.

Interfaces is an open-access peer-reviewed journal and invites scholarly papers in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

     Read more about our Scope.

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International Journal of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety

[pubblicazione cessata] HAF copre tutti i settori riguardanti la salute, la scienza degli animali e la sicurezza alimentare. La rivista accoglie con favore la presentazione di manoscritti che rispondono ai criteri generali di significatività e di eccellenza scientifica

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ItalianoLinguadue is the semi-annual electronic open access journal of the Master Promotion and teaching of Italian language and culture to foreigners (Promoitals) of the University of Milano. The journal publishes contributions of students, graduates and professors of the Master and other Italian and foreigners who have been invited to collaborate.

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LANX. Journal of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici - Università degli Studi di Milano

Annual Journal of Archaeology with Articles, Proceedings of Conferences, Excavations Reports and Reviews of Professors and Scholars of the School of Archaeology of the University of Milan

ISSN: 2035-4797

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Italian Review of Legal History

The online Italian Review of Legal History aims to facilitate the scientific debate among Italian and international scholars on Italian, European and world-wide themes concerning the juridical field from the early medieval centuries to the contemporary period.

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Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and philosophy of experience.

The jourtnal publishes articles on aesthetics, moral philosophy, history of philosophy, the theory of the arts and theater.

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Rivista di filosofia e di teoria delle arti. Nuova serie (ISSN 2039-9251)

Itinera aims at being a forum for international debate on Aesthetics and philosophical investigations on arts and theatre. A space is dedicated also to questions in which aesthetic and moral aspects are intertwined.

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L'uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità

L'uomo nero. Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità.

Journal of studies for the history of contemporary art.


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Materiali di Estetica. Terza serie

Founded in 1999, Materiali di estetica is one of the best-known and appreciated journals of aesthetics in Italy and has hosted essays by some of the leading exponents of the discipline from the very beginning, establishing itself as an authoritative scientific journal in the variegated panorama of national and international aesthetic studies. The original phenomenological inspiration, which can be traced back to the scholars of the "School of Milan", has offered considerable impetus to the contemporary philosophical debate, giving rise to a fruitful dialogue between different positions.

Materiali di estetica. Terza serie represents a qualified venue to welcome essays from both eminent scholars who have already achieved a high and recognizable scholarly profile, and young researchers who aspire to give greater dissemination to the results of their work.

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Lingue e culture dei media

Un campo in evoluzione continua e velocissima, quello dei media, al quale i linguisti hanno dedicato studi importanti, avvalendosi spesso anche del fondamentale contributo dei sociologi e dei massmediologi: lo studio della lingua dei media ha investito prima i giornali e la radio, poi il cinema, la televisione, il web da ultimo. L’espansione straordinaria che questo medium sta attraversando e il suo collegamento sempre più stretto con gli altri determinano una situazione di crossmedialità e di intreccio tra i media che sta sconvolgendo i metodi di ricerca e di analisi seguiti in passato dai linguisti.

All’obiettivo della rivista di contribuire allo studio dei media sotto il profilo linguistico, nella complessità del presente e nel passato, si affianca una finalità di carattere trasversale e interdisciplinare, che si riflette nella necessaria attenzione per una prospettiva più strettamente massmediologica e nell’apertura all’apporto di discipline storiche, letterarie, filosofiche attente agli ambiti della comunicazione, e inoltre ben rappresentate dai membri del Comitato scientifico.

A partire dal n.2 del 2024 (v.7 n.2) sarà istituita la nuova sezione Osservatorio sulla serialità televisiva, con un proprio comitato scientifico, che offrirà una rassegna della precedente annata italiana e straniera e alcuni saggi linguistici sulla serialità televisiva. Il Comitato scientifico dell’Osservatorio si raccorda con i Direttori.

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Nóema is a journal of philosophy and culture, mainly dedicated to themes of theoretical philosophy, oriented in the sense of contemporary studies of genealogy, thought of practices, phenomenology, hermeneutics. read more

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Milan Law Review

Multidisciplinary and multilingual law journal, published on a six-monthly basis in open access mode.

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Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (NAD-DIS)

NAD-DIS focuses on historical, institutional and legal phenomena in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

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Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria

Journal of ecdotics' studies and author's philology

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Rassegna di Diritto, Legislazione e Medicina Legale Veterinaria

Italian and international academic journal, peer-reviewed and open access, aimed at professionals and legal experts on the subject of veterinary interest, as a means of dissemination, exchange and synergies; bridge between normative theory and real applications.

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Quaderni di Gargnano

Quaderni di Gargnano accolgono gli Atti dei Convegni internazionali di Letteratura italiana che si svolgono con cadenza biennale a Gargnano del Garda, presso la sede di Palazzo Feltrinelli dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.

Sono pubblicati in open access e sono intitolati alla memoria del loro ideatore e principale animatore, Gennaro Barbarisi.

Informazioni più dettagliate sulla storia dei Convegni e su questa serie si leggono qui.

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The Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia is a free of charge OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal.

RIPS publishes original contributions on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphy; all papers are written in English and are reviewed by international experts.

The Journal is currently indexed and abstracted by AGI, ISI, Current Contents, Georef, Geological Abstract and SciSearch.

RIPS is included in the Unimi Journals project ( and it is hosted on OJS platform.

OPEN ACCESS POLICY: RIPS is published under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share alike 4.0 International License.

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere with the same license.


Web of Science Journal Citation Reports 2023:  Journal Impact Factor 2021= 1.6, 5-Year Impact Factor= 1.7

Scopus CiteScore 2023= 3.6



Lucia Angiolini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Fabrizio Berra, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Editorial Office

Cristina Lombardo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Section Editors

David M. Alba, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Francesca Bosellini, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Giorgio Carnevale, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Silvia Gardin, CNRS, France
Luca Giusberti, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
Annette Götz, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Joachim Haug, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Ilaria Mazzini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy
Giovanni Muttoni, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Maria Rose Petrizzo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Isabella Raffi, Università degli Studi "G. D'Annunzio" Chieti Pescara, Italy
Silvio Renesto, Università dell'Insubria, Italy
Lorenzo Rook, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Daniele Scarponi, Università di Bologna, Italy
Lars Werdelin, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden


Print subscriptions to Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia are handled by the publisher Ledizioni The Innovative LediPublishing company and subscriptions are managed by Libreria Ledi International Bookseller



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Rivista di Studi e Ricerche sulla criminalità organizzata

Monitoring Research Centre on Organized Crime – Department of International, Legal and Political-Historical Studies

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Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior

Welcome to Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior (Italian Journal of Analytic Philosophy Junior), the very first Italian project providing space to early-stage philosophical research. In our journal, you can read articles proposed by undergraduate, BA/MA and Ph.D. students, concerning the main themes of analytic philosophy and peer-reviewed by our Scientific Board, as well as material produced by the editorial staff (book reviews, conference reports, interviews).

RIFAJ is officially sponsored by SIFA (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy) and supported by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

Since November 2011, the journal is hosted by Riviste UNIMI, under the joint management of the University of Milan and 4Science.

See the info section of our website for the focus, scope, organization and policies of the journal.


Current issue:
Volume 9, Number 2
Published on December 31st, 2018

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Società e diritti

Focus and Scope

The Journal Società e Diritti (Societad y Derechos, Societé et droits, Society and rights) aims to publish contributions of general theory of law , jurisprudence and sociology of law , fostering dialogue among jurists and scholars of criminology, sociology and philosophy of law that affect empirical applied research In particular we want to develop the comparative sociology of law by promoting the dialogue between European and Latin American authors.

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Sociologia del diritto

Italian journal of Sociology of Law, with an international diffusion

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Sound Stage Screen

Sound Stage Screen (SSS) is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal devoted to historical and theoretical research into the relations between sound, performance, and media. SSS addresses a wide range of phenomena, practices, and objects pertaining to sound and music in light of the interconnections between performing traditions and media archaeologies. SSS is available open access and is now open for submissions.

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Studia theodisca

An international journal devoted to the study of German culture and literature.
On line for the first time with Vol. XVIII (2011): e-ISSN 2385-2917.
Vols. I-XVII (1994-2010) were published in print (p-ISSN 1593-2478), but are now available here, in the Archives, as PDF searchable files.

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Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale

La rivista ha cadenza, di regola, settimanale, e vuole essere espressione della pluralità e del pluralismo delle scuole e degli indirizzi che  - in ambito nazionale, comunitario ed internazionale -  alimentano le discipline giuridiche interessate ai temi delle libertà di religione e di convinzione, dei rapporti tra gli stati e le confessioni religiose, dei diritti religiosi, sia per i loro profili tradizionali sia per quelli emergenti (bioetica, multiculturalismo, fine vita, ecc.).

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Studia austriaca

An international journal devoted to the study of Austrian culture and literature.
On line for the first time with Vol. XX (2012): e-ISSN 2385-2925.
Vols. I-XIX (1992-2011) were published in print (p-ISSN 1593-2508), but are now available here, in the Archives, as PDF searchable files.

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Tintas: Quaderni di Letterature iberiche e iberoamericane

"Tintas" vuol essere innanzitutto l'espressione della vitalità e varietà di interessi e ricerche dell'iberistica milanese e lombarda, con i suoi molteplici collegamenti internazionali.

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Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica - Nuova Serie

The Journal welcomes essays on Medieval history, palaeography and diplomatic, with a preference for original research that make use of unpublished sources.

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translation. a transdisciplinary journal

This international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to transdisciplinary thinking and research on translation was founded in 2012. Its first issues (all consultable on this platform) were published on paper.

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Test ufficio riviste

presentazione della rivista: rivista di test DA NON CANCELLARE!

Contiene immagini e materiali per la pagina info di homepage e i loghi milano up e unimi

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